2 days into expressing, and it’s looking good.
So, the first 2 days of expressing have not been as bad as I thought they would be. Yesterday, I gave Alyssia an open cup top with water in with her lunch and she got very excited, so I decided to
Expressing – The next step in my breastfeeding journey
So today sees the next part in my breastfeeding journey. Expressing. I can’t say this is something I want to do, and luckily with Sofia, I only had to do it at the beginning when we had some weight gain problems. This
This is for all the parents that think no-one understands
4 and a half years ago I had my first baby, Sofia. SHE DIDN’T SLEEP. Most of you who follow me know that things were extremely bad. Sofia was the reason I changed careers and started studying sleep. The thing is, what